
أختار اللغة

دخول | تسجيل جديد

تفاصيل ومرفقات العطاء

Vocational Training in Irbid and Madaba

Vocational Training in Irbid and Madaba استدراج عروض اسعار
الجهة الناشرة
المجلس الدنماركي للاجئين - DRC - مكتب الأردن  

تاريخ النشر
الموعد النهائي


RFP/JOR/AMM/2024/004 Vocational Training in Irbid and Madaba
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Jordan office is inviting bids from reliable service providers who are
registered and licensed for the provision of Project External Evaluation Consultancy services to support
the Danish Refugee Council's operations in Jordan.
Deadline for tender:
The deadline for submission of offers is on Monday 05/08/2024 at 14:00 PM Amman Time.
Bidders who do not submit their offers by this deadline will not be considered
Complete tender document can be obtained from Tender JO platform or by e-mail, free of charge from
the Monday 22/07/2024 to rfq.jor.amm@drc.ngo stating the name of the company requesting
the document.
All bids shall be emailed to rfq.jor.amm@drc.ngo by the above-mentioned deadline with all the
required documents in PDF, JPEG, TIF format, or the same type of files provided as a ZIP file format. The
subject should clearly indicate the ref. No. of this RFP and which lot you are submitting for and if it is
sent in parts, each part should be numbered (Ex. Part 1 of 4). Any bids sent to any other email address
will be disregarded.
Hard copy bids are accepted and should be in a sealed stamped envelope with the name of the supplier
and the RFP ref No written on it, and should be delivered to Amman office tender box only.
4 Mohammad Al-Jamaan Street, Wadi Saqra
For Inquires:
Bid Submission: rfq.jor.amm@drc.ngo
This RFP is for the provision of vocational training in the Irbid and Madaba governorates. Therefore,
each vocational training program in each area is considered a separate service and Lot. As a result,
service providers shall submit separate technical and financial proposals for each training program in
each area.

الشركات المميزة تبحث عن شريك لتقديم عطاء على هذه المناقصة؟

 نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لتقديم معلومات صحيحة ودقيقة، ولكن لا يمكننا ان نضمن ان جميع المعلومات المقدمة خالية من الاخطاء. انقر هنا اذا كان لديك اية اقتراحات او ملاحظات